
Ventilation controller with integrated CO2 sensor Feller EdizioDUE (CH). Swiss installation standard.
The MZ3 is a microprocessor controlled precision positioner and controller with integrated CO2 air quality sensor and touch panel. It includes a white EDIZIOdue frame and mounting plate.
Through parameters the positioner may be configured to work for most of the standard ventilation applications. Settings such as switching levels of the control curve and ventilation strengths for each step may be adjusted. The configuration may be performed using the programming device called OPA-S. Additionally it is now possible to copy the entire configuration by using the accessory AEC-PM2.
The device includes a control function and is able to control ventilation level based on the integrated CO2 sensor or a building automation system.
- For ventilation systems for comfort applications
- For example for well insulated residential areas which are required to be ventilated
- Positioner and controller for comfort ventilation with integrated CO2 air quality sensor and touch panel
- Design according to Feller EDIZIOdue®
- Measurement of indoor CO2 concentration
- Manual operation with four steps, OFF, minimum air, 1st step, 2nd step, maximum air
- AUTO operation: The controller activated the ventilation based on control curve. The controls curve may be adjusted
- Automatic reset of the maximum air level
- Automatic CO2 background calibration
- One 0...10 VDC controls output to control the ventilation system
- Password protected control settings
Item name | Item code | Variant | Description |
MZ3-C-V11-B-T4-W | 40-100280 | CO2 sensor, blue LED, white frame Lettering: Minimum, Medium, Maximum, Party |
Compact positioner/controller in a |
OPA-S | 40-500006 | Programming and display device |
LDC display for surface mounting |
AEC-PM2 | 40-500130 | Memory device | Used to copy device configuration |

Operation Manual
Install Sheet
Application Notes