Image description

Controller and Sensor (X2 OS) for Air Differential Pressure

The SCC2 is a programmable controller and sensor with communication capabilities. Each control loop may use 2 PI sequences and 2 binary stages. The SCC2 comes with a built in RS485 communication interface that allows peer to peer communication with an operation terminal such as OPT1-(2TH)-VC.

Communication plug-in allow for integration of the controller into a network. These modules are described in their own manual. Currently available are plug-ins for BACnet and MODBUS.

Flexible application configuration is made with a parameter-setting routine using the standard operation terminal.

Complete parameter sets may be copied by use of an accessory called AEC-PM2 or exchanged with a PC using an RS485-USB converter and the EasySet program.


  • Pressure measurement in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning
  • Measuring of air flow velocity
  • Measuring and control of positive or negative pressure for example for clean rooms
  • Supervision of critical pressures


  • Pressure measurement from ± 125 Pa up to ± 500 Pa (± 0.5 to ± 2 in H2O)
  • “Zeroing” of differential pressure sensor supported
  • Two universally configurable control loops:
    • Functions for dehumidifying, set point shift and cascade control
    • Multiple auxiliary functions: heat-cool auto changeover, automatic enable, set point compensation
    • Free heating and cooling with economizer function based on enthalpy or temperature
    • Differential, averaging, min and max functions, enthalpy and dew point calculations
    • Transmitter function for inputs and set points
  • Universal analog outputs (VDC, mA)
  • Relay output with a normally open and a normally closed contact (SPDT)
  • Passive input for temperature NTC or open contact
  • 8 freely assigned alarm conditions, selectable state of outputs on alarm condition
  • Password protected programmable user and control parameters


 Product name

 Product No.


 SCC2-P2-200.101U-OP  40-300207  Differential pressure sensor and built-in display
 Pressure range ± 125 Pa (± 0.5 in H2O)
 Air differential
 pressure controller
 and sensor with
 - 2 control loops
 - 1 digital output
 - 1 analog output
 - communication (MOD/BAC)
 SCC2-P3-200.101U-OP  40-300208  Differential pressure sensor and built-in display
 Pressure range ± 500 Pa (± 2 in H2O)
 SCC2-P2-200.101U-MOD  40-300210  Differential pressure sensor
 Pressure range ± 125 Pa (± 0.5 in H2O)
 Communicating with Modbus RTU or ASCII
 SCC2-P3-200.101U-MOD  40-300211  Differential pressure sensor
 Pressure range ± 500 Pa (± 2 in H2O)
 Communicating with Modbus RTU or ASCII
 SCC2-P2-200.101U-BAC  40-300213  Differential pressure sensor
 Pressure range ± 125 Pa (± 0.5 in H2O)
 Communicating with BACnet MS/TP
 SCC2-P3-200.101U-BAC  40-300214  Differential pressure sensor
 Pressure range ± 500 Pa (± 2 in H2O)
 Communicating with BACnet MS/TP


Image description
AMP-1 - Pressure Probs
Differential Pressure Probe Kit
Image description
AEI-4UI - Input Extension
Input extension for X2 controllers
Image description
AEC-USB - USB to RS-485 Converter Cable Kit
For programming X2-devices with EasySet tool
Image description
AEC-PM2 - Memory
External memory for parameter sets for X2-series


Operation Manual

Install Sheet

Application Notes




Vector Controls X2 Operating System
Technician software to configure and manage X2-series products
Mobile and desktop App to find and operate your Vector X2 controllers in your (W)LAN
X2 - Technical Documentation for BACnet MS/TP communication
X2 - Documentation for BACnet IP communication
X2 - Technical Documentation for Modbus RTU/ASCII communication
X2 - Documentation for Modbus - TCP communication