OPA2-2T(H)-VC - Remote Display

Image description

Remote display and operation terminal for X2 series controllers

The OPA2-2T(H)-VC is a remote display and operation terminal for X2 series controllers with an internal temperature / humidity sensor and two passive inputs.


  • Configuration and operation terminal for X2 series controller
  • Remote supervision (RS485)


  • Remote access to controller state, setpoints, inputs and outputs
  • Access to time schedule and clock settings
  • Access to configuration parameters
  • RS485 peer to peer communication according to proprietary protocol of Vector Controls GmbH
  • The terminal adapts itself to the X2 controller used. One terminal thus fits all the configuration variations of the X2 product range.
  • Integrated temperature sensor (-T) and humidity sensor (-H)


 Product name  Product No.  Description
 OPA2-2T-VC  40-500047

 Operation terminal for X2 controller with peer to peer RS485 communication
 and internal temperature sensor and two passive inputs

 OPA2-2TH-VC  40-500023

 Operation terminal for X2 controller with peer to peer RS485 communication
 and internal temperature and humidity sensor and two passive inputs


Operation Manual

Install Sheet

Application Notes




Vector Controls X2 Operating System
Technician software to configure and manage X2-series products
Mobile and desktop App to find and operate your Vector X2 controllers in your (W)LAN
X2 - Technical Documentation for BACnet MS/TP communication
X2 - Documentation for BACnet IP communication
X2 - Technical Documentation for Modbus RTU/ASCII communication
X2 - Documentation for Modbus - TCP communication