OPT1-FC - Remote Display (CH)

Image description

Remote display and operation terminal for X2 series controllers. Swiss version to fit Swiss standard electrical connection boxes.

The OPT1 is a remote display and operation terminal for X2 series controllers with peer to peer RS485 communication and 1 external passive input and 1 voltage input. By using different frames and mounting plate, it is possible to mount this device to most of the existing flush mounted electrical connection boxes.


  • Configuration and operation terminal for X2 series controller
  • Remote supervision (RS485)



  • Resistive touch dispaly with white backlit  LCD
  • Design according to Feller EDIZIOdue®
  • Access to time schedule and clock settings
  • Access to configuration parameters
  • RS485 peer to peer communication
  • The terminal adapts itself to the X2 controller used. One terminal thus fits all the configuration variations of the X2 product range.
  • Internal temperature and -H version humidity sensor
  • 1 passive input
  • Different frames and mounting plates


 Product name  Product No.  Description
 OPT1-FC-TNV-VC  40-500111

 Swiss version of operation terminal for TCX2, TCI2 and SxC2 controller with peer to 
 peer RS485 communication and 1 internal temperature sensor, 1 external passive and
 1 voltage input.
 The single Feller EDIZIOdue frame and mountingplate package AMM-ED-W must be 
 ordered separately

 OPT1-FC-HTNV-VC  40-500110

 Swiss version of operation terminal for TCX2, TCI2 and SxC2 controller with peer to 
 peer RS485 communication and 1 internal temperature and humidity sensor,
 1 external passive and 1 voltage input.
 The single Feller EDIZIOdue frame and mountingplate package AMM-ED-W must be 
 ordered separately


Image description
AMM-ED-W Frame
Feller EDIZIOdue® Frame with mounting plate


Operation Manual

Install Sheet

Application Notes




Vector Controls X2 Operating System
Technician software to configure and manage X2-series products
Mobile and desktop App to find and operate your Vector X2 controllers in your (W)LAN
X2 - Technical Documentation for BACnet MS/TP communication
X2 - Documentation for BACnet IP communication
X2 - Technical Documentation for Modbus RTU/ASCII communication
X2 - Documentation for Modbus - TCP communication