OPF2-VC - Remote Display

Image description

Remote display and operation terminal for X2 series controllers

The OPF2-2T-VC, OPF2-2TH-VC is a surface wall-mountable remote display and operation terminal for the X2 controllers and sensors and includes a temperature and two passive inputs. The OPF2-2TH-VC contains as well a humidity sensor. The large backlit display allows easy configuration of the parameters and operation of the controller.


  • Configuration and operation terminal for X2 series controller
  • Remote supervision (RS485)


  • Display and change of operation state and set points
  • Display input values according to real values not voltage signals
  • Display and change of configuration parameters
  • Integrated temperature sensor (-T)
  • Integrated humidity sensor (-TH)
  • 2 passive inputs, may be used for door contacts, light switches etc.
  • Surface mounting
  • Access to time schedule and clock settings

  • Access to configuration parameter

  • RS485 peer to peer communication to a X2 controller over a proprietary protocol

  • The terminal adapts itself to the X2 controller used. One terminal thus fits all the configuration variations of the X2 product range.


 Product name  Product No.  Description
 OPF2-2T-VC      40-50-0159

 Operation terminal for X2 controller with internal temperature sensor

 OPA2-OPF2-2TH-VC  40-50-0158   Operation terminal for X2 controller with internal temperature & humdity sensor


Operation Manual

Install Sheet

Application Notes




Vector Controls X2 Operating System
Technician software to configure and manage X2-series products
Mobile and desktop App to find and operate your Vector X2 controllers in your (W)LAN
X2 - Technical Documentation for BACnet MS/TP communication
X2 - Documentation for BACnet IP communication
X2 - Modbus Technical Documentation for RTU/ASCII communication
X2 - Documentation for Modbus - TCP communication