CO2 & Air Quality
SRC-C1T1 - Indoor
Indoor CO2 + temperature transmitter / monitor. Now with improved CO2 level indication.
SRC-C1 - Indoor
Indoor CO2 transmitter / monitor. Now with improved CO2 level indication.
SRC-C - Indoor
Indoor CO2 desktop monitor with CO2 level indication.
SRC-Q1T1 - Indoor
Indoor air quality (VOC) + temperature transmitter / monitor.
Air quality CO2 transmitter
SDC-C1 - Duct Mounted
Duct mounted CO2 transmitter
SDC-Q1 - Duct Mounted
Duct mounted VOC transmitter
SDC2-THCQ - Duct Mounted
Duct mounted Controller and Sensor (X2 OS) for Temperature, Humidity, CO2 and Air Quality
Controller and Sensor (X2 OS) for CO2 and Air Quality
SRD2 - NEW - Wall Mounted
Wall-mounted programmable indoor controller and transmitter (X2 OS) with temperature and humidity sensor with optional CO2, VOC air quality, dust particle sensor, color display, IR sensor and communication